Sunday, April 16, 2006

Day 55 - Reading is Fun

Todays Tip - Read with your infant when they're their "quietly alert"

Since attention spans are miniscule at this age, timing a little reading time with your baby is a challenge, but important. If you read to them when they're upset, they won't pay attention. If you read to them when they're tired, they won't pay attention. If you read to them when they're activly alert and bopping all over the place, they won't pay attention.

I had success today with my two-month old. I read to him right after he was fed and changed, I laid down on the floor with him on his back and held the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See above us. He was alert, but not thrashing around, and all his needs were immediately satisfied. And he rewarded me with a couple smiles as I flipped the brightly colored pages!

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