Day 151 - Can You Do This?
Today's First Time Parenting Tip - Track your baby's milestones to make sure they're developing correctly
Its important to make sure that your infant doesn't have any developmental problems, but if he or she seems slow in one area, don't worry about it too much unless they're way behind or your pediatrician seems concerned. Everyone loves to compare their accomplishments to others, but the fact is some babies are fast in verbal development, but slow in the physical department, or vice versa. If you're worried about it, ask your pediatrician. At the end of the fifth month, your infant should be able to:
- Hold their head steady when upright
- Raise their chest when on their stomach, supported by their arms
- Roll over (one way)
- Pay attention to a raisin or other small object
- Squeal in delight
- Reach for an object
- Smile spontaneously
- Grasp a rattle held to the backs of their fingers
Probably will be able to:
- Bear some weight on their legs
- Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting
- Say ah-goo or other vowel-consonant combination
- Make a wet razzing sound
They might also be able to sit without support, turn in the direction of a voice, pull up to a standing position from sitting down, stand holding onto someone or something, feed himself, object if you take a toy away, work to get a toy out of reach, pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other, look for dropped object, rake a raisin and pick it up in their fist, babble, combining vowels and consonants like ga-ga-ga.
Taken from What to Expect the First Year
Parenting, Verbal, Physical, Development, Emotional
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