Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 327 - What to Do if Your Baby Has Excema

Today's first time parenting tip - Moisturize your baby's skin to fight off excema

Red, itchy, dry skin. It's all part of excema, a skin condition where the upper layers of skin become inflamed. If it becomes severe, the skin can crack, blister and even scar.

The best way to treat excema yourself is to keep the skin moisturizes. Excema is a form of dermatitis, which drys out the skin. Keeping it moisturized with a cream or ointment will help the skin retain its natural moisture and help the affected skin heal.

In addition, you should also stop using detergents or soap that dry out the skin. Look for soaps and detergents have an oil or fat base and that are unscented. The milder, the better.

If your baby is constantly itching his skin, he may be damaging it. In this case an anti-itch cream might be a good idea to help protect him from scratching and itching.

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